Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Over the last four years we have been through some extraordinarily rough times - the serious illness and death of Sara (Tone's former partner & his sons' mother), the death of Tone's step-dad, Pen being made redundant, Tone's mum and Pen's step-mum both recovering from life-threatening illness and Tone's own illness. We have both had times when we were anxious and depressed.
There have also been, we're glad to say, some wonderfully positive things that have helped us cope - Pen getting an exciting new job, the remarkable love and support within our immediate family, Jude & Hywel's wedding, some great holidays (the best we've ever had), and our growing involvement in all kinds of artistic stuff - especially music and photography.
Throughout that time there have been two friends who have made an especially positive impact on our lives - Cath and Scott. There have been times when their kindness, generosity, help and staggering musicality have made the difference between us staying afloat and us going under. They've just been visiting us with Cael, Ava and Jaro (their wonderfully alive children) and we realise yet again how important they are to us - we laugh so much with them, and yet at times we also have the most serious and challenging conversation. We will see them again on New Years eve and we'll have a great time (it's pretty much guaranteed).
Purkal is absolutely right when she says that she is lucky to have good people in her life - we are the possessors of the same luck. There are loads of other really important people to us - we started to list them but that just seemed to water down how we feel about them, so let's just say that we would not be as well as we are today without the support and love of all those friends, family and colleagues......thank you.... Tone and Pen xxx

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