Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Web 2.0....

I have now managed to track down the link to the Guardian special on Web 2.0 (which for some reason doesn't turn up when you use the site search) - sorry for the crap link in a previous (deleted) post.
Well worth a read mostly for the diverging opinions and increasingly apparent flakeiness of the Web 2.0 concept that develops the more you read the range of interviews - I find it hard to brand disparate, incoherent, commercially motivated developments as "Web 2.0".
I'd be particularly interested in Alec and Emma's reactions.....

BTW - here's what Wikipedia says about it

Update 9/11/06 - ... and here is a jolly little video snippet in the Guardian


Alec said...

At the risk of sounding blase, I reckon that the whole Web 2.0 label has outgrown any useful function it once performed.

It was exciting when it started, and a lot of the software involved plays an important part of my life online, but the term now seems restrictive rather than liberating.

It showed there was a whole new way of doing things online, and that was great. Now we should get on and see how they can be improvfed still further. The term is now just a bandwagon.

emma said...

I haven't had a chance to check this out Tone - will do and will get back to you. Sounds interesting though.