Wednesday, November 08, 2006

two half-hearted cheers....

... to the Democrats for challenging the Republican party in the US mid-term elections. They've got the House of Representatives (which will probably have its first woman speaker), and may well achieve a majority in the Senate.
I find it difficult to believe it will make much real difference - but perhaps it is a sign that the US is becoming a bit less self-centred and self-serving - so altogether now -

hip-hip hooray, hip-hip hooray.............

Update 19:55 - maybe the above is a bit pessimistic and mean-minded - New Scientist's blog reckons it's good news on a number of fronts
.... oh and that bastard Rumsfeld has gone - that warrants a third cheer - Hooray

1 comment:

Cool Daddio said...

It has been an embarassing hellish six years for we democrats over here. Hurray!! I told a friend before the Irag war ever started that it would end in civil war and be viewed by history as one of the greatest blunderes of all time. I'm sorry it's coming to pass.