wednesday morning - too bloody early...
List 1 ...can't sleep 'cos:
- I'm itchy all over
- my mouth and fundament are sore
- a high pitched discord rings between my ears, punctuated by foghorn blasts (Ah! - the joy of tinnitus)
- my eyes are dry
- I'm thirsty
- my knees hurt
- I needed a widdle
- the covers were weighing heavily on my aching feet
- I'm worried about going to see the rheumatologist next week
- the house stinks of vinegar 'cos I made chutney last night (no, I'm not an earwig)
- and my mind spins at the thought of all the change over the last year.... and I'm making lists of lists
List 2 - September 2006, I had:
- two sons living at home
- a job
- a reasonable income (for the voluntary sector)
- two very used cars
- some very good and caring friends
- a loving partner
- a load of symptoms
- fingers that itched to play the guitar (and frequently did)
- an urge to take photographs, and about 32,000 images on disk
- a feeling that life was getting less exciting
- too many responsibilities
- a second son in less than a year preparing to move away
- no job, and my income is a shadow of its former self
- a camper-van - aka "Scourge of BMWs / Instant Holiday", and (for the first time in my life) a brand new car
- some very good and caring friends (Facebook thinks I have 48 friends - I know I have more)
- a loving partner (who is one of the 48 friends, and the best of all)
- rheumatoid arthritis, which after years of uncertainty explains the symptoms
- a load of new and exciting symptoms (see List 1 above) thanks to the drugs I take to deal with the original symptoms
- fingers that ache (quite literally) to play the guitar
- an urge to take even more photographs, and about 45,000 images on disk
- a melodeon
- a book entitled "The D/G Melodeon Absolute Beginners" (nothing like rubbing it in)
- a feeling that life is getting more exciting
- fewer responsibilities, but still too many
- and I am, for the fourth time in my life, about to become a bloody student.
I think this must be what they call "counting your blessings" - no wonder my head is spinning
hya tone,
so sorry ya feeling so lousy, n thats all that i can say about that really!
But as for the lists great idea that to put things into perspective sometimes. even though there are some less nicey things on the newer 1 i would all around say that it is the better of the 2! A melodeon - nice work!
Face Book! I ain't got a clue! ya could add another point to the new list about showing me what the craze is all about if ya want! i have 1,in response to me being invited to be your friend and to heather g telling me get on there, but alas I have no friends! ;-(
keep ya chin up Tone!
p.s Thanks again 4 the guitar!
Hiya Tone,
Just wanted to say thinking of you my friend.
More later - have to dash now!
M x.
Hey Tone-
Despite all the trials and tribulations of your life. You continue to demonstrate, as best you can, your enthusiasm for life and your interests.
It is when we lose interest, (can't be bovvered scenario), in things that are precious to us. That we somehow need to cling on to our positivity.
You are an inspiration Tony. You have load of friends that care about you. If it is any consolation, the knowledge of this must help you 'keep on keeping on'.
You are dong something right. I wish I could have more friends.
My thoughts are with you. Hope to talk to you soon.
Warm wishes klahanie.
I'm glad you are not just concentrating on the bad things, and have listed loads of positive things in your life. I might give this list-making a go, it looks cool.
Yes, but hang over is a part of the party...dont forget that mate!!!! cheers
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