Monday, July 30, 2007

the WI

we went to Leek Show on Saturday and visited the Women's Institute tent, mainly to see if there were any cake samples - sadly, all that was left were a few crumbs. However we arrived in time to see the prize-giving, and this group of women, who were from Bradnop (where?), seemed well pleased to get a good many prizes. Most of the prizes were for curiously obscure achievements, one category of which looked like an oversized dolls house packed with vegetables, cakes, savouries and oddments from someones loft, all colour co-ordinated.

I'm strangely fascinated by the WI - someone I respect greatly is a member and I love to hear her talk about her branch and its doings. I'm not alone in this - there are endless TV programmes at the moment about the institute, and the press regularly runs stories about it and then of course there was that calender and a consequent film.
What do you think? Are you a member? If you want to join (and you are a woman) go here... - how helpful is that?


klahanie said...

Greetings Tone-
Hope you had a really good time at the 'Leek Show'. I think it is an outrage that the 'WI' had run out of cake for you. A few measly crumbs. Not on, I say.
Bradnop? Well Tone, I've passed by that village many a time. It is about two miles east of Leek on the Ashbourne Road.(but I bet you knew that already :-)) It is fairly near the village of Onecote(which I thought was pronounced 'One Coat'. However I have been duly informed that it is pronounced 'On A Cot'... hmmmm....)
I wish you well with your fascination of the WI.
I, sadly, do not fit the requirements to become a member. (however if I put on a nice dress and a touch of make-up..well ya never know!)
Happy mindbloggling Tone.

emma said...

I gave a talk recently at the WI (on beekeeping) and to be honest Tone I was quite scared at the beginning, but by the end I was charmed. never the less, whilst I am very grateful for the link to their web site, I think I'll pass for now. Really ace to see you today and if you don't mind me saying you were looking Great!

Anonymous said...

where's the Steve Perigrine Took link gone I'll never be able to find his site without it.

Anonymous said...

from an earlier entry
"de-cluttering our house, so when we move (sometime in the next year) we don't have to do it in a rush"


Maxine Perella said...

me also intrigued by these type of institutions ... include worshipful societies, working mens clubs and green lawn bowling associations in that too. i'm a wee young sprout too. but there's always plenty to learn from the older beans around you.