Wednesday, January 31, 2007

hello - my name is blueshawk...

...and I am a webaholic...
And whilst I accept some responsibility for this situation, actually Bill Gates is to blame really - him and his bloody fancy, tabbed browser - internet explorer 7 - which allows you to have dozens (hundreds?) of web pages open at once
I had dabbled with tabbed browsing before - for a while I was a leisure/weekend user of Opera, but when microsoft released the beta version of internet explorer 7, I just couldn't help myself - I downloaded, and from then on it was ctrl-left click on every link that came in sight, wili nili -

  1. the plight of Asian women forced into marriage - I heard about this on radio this morning and googled "karma nirvana" and found this Times article that mentions Stoke - if you don't read anything else on the web today please read this
  2. wikipedia article on how zoom lenses work - you'd have to be a bit sad to read this
  3. Guardian page - how Marx was right after all
  4. Guardian comment piece about the failure of the "left"
  5. Aldi's website to see what Thursday's bargs are - about 4 pages open (alright 10)
  6. Guardian - Bush plans to bomb Iran - 3 articles
  7. where has all the extra NHS money been spent
  8. the coolstoke website - new on the block, about a project which aims to educate people in Stoke about climate change - they've got a sort-of half-baked blog
  9. my blog - whoopee
  10. article about Jade Goodey's Svengali-like agent - don't ask me why I'm reading this
  11. the Guardian front page
  12. an article about Serena Williams - a mistake that one - tennis being the most boring activity in the universe (I suspect that may be a controversial remark)
  13. the wikipedia front page
  14. the wikipedia photography portal page
  15. metcheck the weather forecast site - 3 pages - the weather's going to be cloudy and cool
  16. BBC R4 Today programme home pages - and 3 pages leading off it
  17. Serendipity Sunday - a lovely post about pictures of her Mum
  18. etcb - about the pleasures of scribing for students who are disabled
  19. domesticated bloggage - stuff about knitting of which I can make neither head nor tail (knit nor purl?) sorry Lynn - by the way I am not ignoring other mind-blogglers - it's just that ie7 has a built in RSS feed checker, and it says you haven't posted anything new since I last looked.
  20. helen highwater's blog
  21. my mate Joi's photoblog - but the RSS feed lied - he hasn't posted since early Jan, and it's still the picture of Sonja
  22. New Scientist's blog which has a fascinating post about maps
  23. Natl Rheum Arth Soc site - to find out about getting some support from one of their volunteers
  24. a BBC page about planned programmes on BBC4 tv - they keep advertising a programme about Iran with Rageh Omar and I want to find out when it's on

That's about 36 pages open - and no doubt there'll be loads of links I'll want to investigate - I'd better get reading. Ho-hum - there's no peace for the wicked...


Alec said...

As one of the non-posting mind-blogglers, I feel exposed and trapped by my lack of activity. There's no place to hide, with these RSS feed informants hanging around, watching and waiting...

Alec said...

I've checked the coolstoke website and registered on the forum, but there's something contrived about the whole thing, especially, as you say, the blog. I don't know why that should be, because I'm in favour of the idea in principle.

tone the blueshawk said... big a contrivance as ever there was - after the fashion of "capacity building", "multi-culturism" and "joined-up government" - rational and worthwhile ideas all, but contrived and cynically employed in their time none-the-less - txxx