Tuesday, December 05, 2006

notes and clarifications....

.... a few loose ends arising from yesterday's posts -

  • I challenged myself to write an impressively long sentence (in the post about blogging), and got to 140+ words - I think this may be a personal best and I'm impressed with myself, but it is pathetically inadequate compared to the world record which is around a 100 times as long
  • I noticed today that Waterstones have a big pile of Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion"
  • "a little light dusting" was, as many of you will have spotted, a gross understatement - I was actually, wiping, tidying, re-arranging, generally titivating and dusting
  • palindromic, in the particular context in which I've used it, means - "coming and going", not "reads the same forwards as backwards"
  • I noticed today that Waterstones have a big pile of Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion"
  • just to be clear - I am a Pastafarian, but I don't believe all that rubbish about Invisible Pink Unicorns (which is clearly girly nonsense designed to take-in the naive and foolish)
  • the picture (above right) has nothing to do with anything in this post, or any other posts on this blog to date

I hope that's cleared up a few things for you ....?

BTW - I noticed today that Waterstones have a big pile of Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion"


Alec said...

This comment relates to the picture (above right) that has nothing to do with anything in this post or any other posts on this blog to date. What about future posts? Is it an echo of some future event in the space-time continuum? A rent in the very fabric of our universe?

Or is it one of those magic fridges where the food you at night in the light that shines when the door is open has half the calories it does during daylight?

emma said...


Anonymous said...

alec - I don't want to suggest that you are odd, but, that comment is just plain odd - particularly when the post is so straightforward....
and emma - you seem perplexed - can I offer any further clarification?

atypicalpen said...

do you know where I can get a copy of "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins?

Anonymous said...

... no I couldn't say - it's not the kind of thing I notice