Wednesday, July 20, 2005

....dumbfounded of Bradwell

I'm fairly immune to being astounded by things on the internet - and I'm also disinclined to favour the products of big corporations.... but Google Earth - a kind of worldwide digital atlas, is pretty astonishing - all the more so because it is free. We live in one of the relatively few areas of high definition images - and our house is easily identifiable
You have to download a client program which accesses the map/aerial photographic data, and you need a reasonably capable computer - give it a try here and be astonished......

....and lest there be any doubt - I'm amazed


Anonymous said...

Astounded - me, too. The satellite images are also available via Google maps (in their lab in beta stage, currently). The maps there scroll nicely, but Google Earth's zoom out and in when you go to another location is amazing. Have you tried the 3D parts of the world - Grand Canyon for one, where you can tilt the camera angle effectively. It's not a patch on more specific 3D material, but the whole world for free isn't to be sniffed at.

There's a similar site at, and I expect you can guess the content. However, the weblog I found it at ( pointed out that you should try zooming in to maximum magnification...

Anonymous said...

Oops. I meant